Friday, March 25, 2016

3 day refresh review!

Winter is officially over and although I hate to admit it, I have had trouble getting back into a groove with my nutrition. I've been working out 5-6 days a week and eating semi-well. I've definitely been having treats, cheats and some vino on the weekends. After a winter of being somewhat off track, here is what I find myself doing:
  • Can't resist the urge to finish the kid's food 
  • Skipping 1-2 of my 5-6 meals 
  • Tired 
  • Headaches 
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Feeling uncomfortable in clothes as they were getting tighter in certain spots
Allllll these signs pointing me to needing a fresh start!! So before Spring break is here, I am going to do a 3 day refresh, detox, get a clean slate, and kick some of these bad habits!

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to lose a few pounds of bloat but weight loss was not my main reason for the cleanse. It was more to kick my booty back in the right direction!

Why would someone want to do the 3 Day Refresh?? 

For a fast, clean break.  They may want to break bad habits and drop a few pounds.  Also to kickstart a new fitness goal or plan or to use once a month to tone up! 

What is it??

The 3 Day Refresh is a 3 day cleanse with 3 vegan shakes, a fiber drink, lots of water, 2 fruits, 3 vegetables and 3 healthy fats through out the day.  You follow a simple meal plan that offers many alternatives on the approved food lists with serving sizes.  There are also optional hot tea and coffee options that you can use Stevia to sweeten if you would like! 

What is included??

I recommend you order the challenge pack, which will give you the 3 Day Refresh kit as well as 1 month of Shakeology to ensure your success with healthier choices.  Basically, so you don't spend all your money, time and effort on this cleanse and then on Day 4 blow it out of the water again!  Ya feel me?!

Shakeology - Your daily dose of dense superfood nutrition that will replace one meal during and after the Refresh.  It is loaded with 72+ super foods that replaces a vitamin and probiotics! 

Vanilla Fresh Shake - These shakes are dairy and soy-free.  They are an excellent source of plant protein and fiber.  There are 22 vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics.  Also the Vanilla Fresh Shake has potato protein extract that is proven to help curb hunger with no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or sweeteners.  

Fiber Sweep - A soluble and insoluble fiber blend that naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system.  It consists of flax, chia and psyllium seed husks.  Fiber helps to keep our bodies healthy and to promote fat loss.  

Where do you begin??

After you receive your package in the mail you need to set a start date, contact your coach for them to help you in a challenge group for support and accountability - again so you don't just order a product and never use it! It is recommended that you either choose a long weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) or a 3-day portion during your week.  I recommend a time during the week where you will stay busy so your mind isn't as focused on food and you can more easily avoid temptation.

What to expect??

This is a cleanse and it lasts 3 days.  It is not a program intended for to you feel super-full or satisfied.  The overall calorie estimate is around 900 calories.  That being said, I personally didn't feel famished, but there were times I felt hungry.  I would drink water or have a hot tea and it would go away.

You will notice there are times when you want to put food in your mouth; not because you are hungry, but more out of habit or boredom than actual hunger.  You may experience some gas and/or bloating.  This is to be expected and is a sign of your body cleaning out.  You are allowed to exercise during the 3 Day Refresh but only light to moderate exercise.  I would recommend pilates, yoga or light cardio.  Something like a run, spin class, or heavy lifting IS NOT recommended.

How do I prepare??

The week before you decide to begin the 3 Day Refresh, I would suggest the following:
  • Increase your vegetable, fruit and fiber intake.  
  • Start limiting your red meat and caffeine intake. 
  • Increasing your water intake.  It is recommended that you drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day and up to 1 gallon of water to maximize your results.  
  • Start cycling down the intensity of your workouts.
You will be the most successful if you have a plan! Open your package, select the foods you want to eat and make a shopping list.  

What were my results?? 

As a reminder, I did completed the 3 Day Refresh to kickstart a new fitness journey and to get myself back on track!

I'm happy to report I lost 3.2 lbs and 7 inches in 3 days!

I wasn't hungry except for mid-morning on day one.  I am pleasantly surprised at how I felt! I had been super tired the last few weeks and had just felt off-track. As corny as it sounds, I really feel refreshed and ready to tackle some new goals!

If you are interested in the 3 Day Refresh you can order it by clicking above OR fill out this Challenge group Application to join my next Challenge Group where I will support you along the way in a private group!!

Or click below to fill out a challenge group application! Our next 3 day refresh group is March 29 and again April 12th!

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