Friday, July 17, 2015


I am NOT one of those people who likes to work out. I do HATE it less now though, and that's a good thing? Right? So, when I learned losing weight is 70-80% nutrition, I was thrilled! Exercise, is just plain good for you though. I know that, so I do push myself to do it about 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes per day. That's my goal anyway! Sometimes, I have these pesky excuses however, that rear their ugly heads back into my life. And it's so hard to decipher an actual excuse, from a reason, like I am legitimately tired and need a rest day! Tuesday, I really could tell it was an excuse, because it was "I don't feel like washing my hair again." Yeah, lame. That's where my accountability group comes in. These ladies check in on me daily, and I check in on them. 5 days a week, we push each other to fight through our excuses, dig deep if we need to, and "push play." For some reason, if that still doesn't work, a pep talk the next day may be in order! We never try to miss more than a day or two, because once you lose that momentum, it's hard to start back. Accountability was the missing piece to my puzzle. It's one of the main reasons I never stuck with any new lifestyle change, I was trying to incorporate into my life. I see these ladies staying motivated every single day, no matter how busy they are with their daily life, and it inspires me to do the same. If you aren't a part of an accountability group, I encourage you to get one! A buddy is great, but an entire group is even better!!

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