Friday, July 24, 2015

No cook refrigerator over night steel cut oats

So I admit, I was skeptical! But they were good, healthy, quick and easy, so therefore, shareworthy!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology

This is my every day, go to shakeology recipe. I drink it as a meal replacement for lunch sometimes, or as a mid morning or afternoon snack! It tastes like a Wendy's frosty to me, but it's the healthiest meal of the day!

Pumpkin Pie Shakeology

Ok, so maybe I am a tad too excited about Fall. And maybe it's still like 3 months away. But a girl can dream right?!

1 scoop of chocolate shakeo
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of nutmeg
1 cup of almond milk
blend and enjoy!

Strawberry Mojito Shakeology

I firmly believe, that shakeology has helped me get to my goal weight and maintain it. But more importantly, it's given me energy and that extra mmmph I needed to get my but off the couch and get moving! I used to be a napper. When Lila would nap, I would nap. Which is fine. But wow, did I get almost NOTHING done each day. Lila is a lot of work, so when she sleeps, that's basically my only time to clean, cook, work, and play with my boys! I don't wanna waste it sleeping! I started drinking shakeo daily March 17th, and I am proud to say I have napped ONCE since then! Even when I take calls all night for work, I don't even feel like I need to sleep the next day! And there is no added caffiene, no stimulants! So that's pretty amazing!

Here is a yummy summertime recipe that I love!

1 scoop of strawberry shakeo
1 1/4 cup
Of water or coconut water
2 tbsp of lime juiceMint chopped or muddled1tsp of honey Ice


Friday, July 17, 2015

Fixated on Fitness

We all deserve to be happy, healthy and energetic.
YES- You Deserve That! So stop telling yourself that this is IT, for you. That this is the hand you were dealt. YOU have the power to change, but you Have to Want it and You have to Decide you want it bad enough.
No one can make that decision for you. No one can make the sacrifices for you. No one else can get over the excuses for you. If this is something you are READY for, hit me up!

This challenge group is going to be the BEST ever, because we will giving a way a cookbook or TWO! Autumn Calabrese is making meal planning on the 21 day fix even easier!!!  I am so excited! 

Southwest Stuffed Peppers

I am not a huge fan of the traditional stuffed peppers, with onions, rice and ground beef. So I was hesitant to make stuffed peppers the other night. So I searched Pinterest, and found a recipe that sparked my interest. Basically it's a taco in a pepper. And since I could eat tacos every single night for the rest of my life, I was sold! Here is the recipe, I tweaked it a bit from Pinterest.

1 lb of ground turkey, lean ground beef, or ground chicken.
3/4 cup of frozen corn
1 can of black beans, rinsed
1 medium yellow onion
1/2 can of diced tomatoes, unseasoned
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon of chili powder
2 tsp of cumin
Himalayan salt and pepper to taste
4 large green peppers
Chicken broth, low sodium
6 oz of shredded cheddar cheese
Greek yogurt
1 avocado

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Saute the ground meat until it's no longer pink. Add in chopped onions and garlic and seasonings, saute for another 5-8 minute until onion is soft. Add corn, black beans and diced tomatoes.
Chop off top of green peppers and clean out seeds and white pulp. Stuff with ground meat mixture. Place in a deep baking dish, fill bottom of dish with about an inch or so of chicken broth. Cover or place foil on top. Bake for 35 minutes. Take out and add cheese. Bake for another 5 minutes. Garnish with a dollop of plain greek yogurt (or sour cream) and a few slices of avocado. ENJOY!

For those following the 21 day fix, just measure out 1/2 blue container for the cheese. And measure out that dollop of greek yogurt to be about 1/2 red. If you eat one large stuffed pepper it would be: 1 yellow, 1 1/2 red, 1 1/2 green, 1 blue.


I am NOT one of those people who likes to work out. I do HATE it less now though, and that's a good thing? Right? So, when I learned losing weight is 70-80% nutrition, I was thrilled! Exercise, is just plain good for you though. I know that, so I do push myself to do it about 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes per day. That's my goal anyway! Sometimes, I have these pesky excuses however, that rear their ugly heads back into my life. And it's so hard to decipher an actual excuse, from a reason, like I am legitimately tired and need a rest day! Tuesday, I really could tell it was an excuse, because it was "I don't feel like washing my hair again." Yeah, lame. That's where my accountability group comes in. These ladies check in on me daily, and I check in on them. 5 days a week, we push each other to fight through our excuses, dig deep if we need to, and "push play." For some reason, if that still doesn't work, a pep talk the next day may be in order! We never try to miss more than a day or two, because once you lose that momentum, it's hard to start back. Accountability was the missing piece to my puzzle. It's one of the main reasons I never stuck with any new lifestyle change, I was trying to incorporate into my life. I see these ladies staying motivated every single day, no matter how busy they are with their daily life, and it inspires me to do the same. If you aren't a part of an accountability group, I encourage you to get one! A buddy is great, but an entire group is even better!!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Spaghetti squash is one of my favorite side dishes. Sometimes, however, it's hard to get it to come out right. The strings are all short and choppy! So this time I followed a recipe I stumbled upon on Pinterest and it yielded much better results! I cut the squash, instead of lengthwise, into rings. And then I baked them for about 30-40 minutes on 400 degrees. Then the squash just felt right out, into long stringy, pasta like pieces! I paired it with lean hamburger meat, 93% lean and roasted sweet potatoes for the buns. I sometimes have to modify the meal for my kids, so they got some buns, and some real pasta for their side, along with snap peas. So good!

pump up your yogurt!

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods to lower your cholesterol!  But since it's 100 degrees right now, that's really low on the list of things I want to eat in the morning. However,  I just add a half a cup or so to my plain greek yogurt, and then I add some blueberries/blackberries/raspberries and a drizzle of honey. It keeps me full all morning, and tastes delicious!

Cowboy Caviar

Cowboy Caviar:
One of my favorite summer time recipes!! I put this on my eggs in the morning, serve it with grilled chicken or white fish, or put on a bed of lettuce and just add a dollop of plain Greek yogurt! If I bring to a party I will bring it with some tortilla chips! 
Cowboy caviar:
1 15 oz can of black beans
1 cup of frozen corn, thawed
1/2 pint of cherry tomatoes chopped
1 bunch of green onions chopped
1/2 bunch of cilantro chopped
1 avocado diced
Pepper and a pinch of Himalayan salt
2 tspn of cumin
And a drizzle of balsamic vingegar (optional, sometimes I do lime juice instead.)
Mix all together, actually tastes better after about 6 hours sitting in fridge because all the flavors really come together. Keeps for a few days in the fridge!
For those following the 21 day fix with me, if you eat 1/8 of this (it does make a lot!) it's 1/2💙 1/4-1/2 ðŸ’š 1/2 ðŸ’›.
It's SOOO delicious!!!