Monday, January 11, 2016

My Hammer and Chisel Journey: Before pics

I have been doing the 21 day fix and 21 day fix extreme since March. And while I LOVE LOVE LOVE them, they are my soul mate work outs, I needed to change it up! Keeping it fresh and to be honest, I was in a bit of a slump over Christmas. I still worked out but my nutrition was lacking, and I wasn't looking forward to my work outs like I had been in the past. I wanted to push myself, challenge myself. That's when your body changes! And while I don't want to lose weight necessarily...I really want to tone up! So I bought the Hammer and Chisel the day it came out and started my journey officially two weeks ago! Here are my before pics. I think it's soooo important to have before pictures and measurements. 1. Because that dreaded scale lies! And your weight may not go down, it may even go up! But your body may be changing, and measurements and pictures don't lie! 2. It adds a level of accountability. You are basically saying, I am ALL IN! So here they are! This is my body after gaining about 6 lbs over the holidays and losing lots of definition I built last spring and summer. But it's ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. I am in this! 

Here is a little about the Hammer and Chisel. My favorite part is that it follows the 21 day fix nutrition plan. And you can cater it to your needs. If you want to lose weight, there is a different plan, then if you want to bulk up with muscle or tone up! My goal is to TONE TONE TONE! If you want to join me in the Hammer and Chisel, drop me a line! We have our first ever Hammer and Chisel test group going on now!

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