Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Why's and Why Nots... What's yours?

What's your "why" and "why not"?

My "why" when I decided to get healthy were extremely vain. I wanted to look good in a bikini and tone up my mid section before my trip to St. John's with my husband. And my "Why not" were numerous. I was too tired. I didn't have enough time. I had three kids to take care of. I wasn't technically overweight, so why bother? My "why nots" always outweighed my "whys." But despite that, one day I decided to do the 21 day fix. I'm still really not sure why I decided to do it. I had literally watch the P90X infomercial about 56 times before I decided on a whim to do the 21 day fix, which I really knew nothing about. Again, partly I'm sure it was to look good in a bikini and partly because I had trouble saying "no", and my friend asked me to join her in doing it.

When I took my before pictures I treated it as a total joke. I had big plans to make my after picture look drastically different, but mostly with a spray tan, hair and make up. I thought it would be funny. But about 10 days later a light bulb went off in my head. I started to feel better and more energetic, and I all of the sudden changed my "why".  Looking great in a bikini would be great but that's only a temporary incentive...what is going to make me keep going and stay healthy for longer than one month before my trip? My why became ME. It became my husband and my kids. As cheesy as that sounds... I decided I was worth it! And my "why nots" became pale in comparison.

I am no salesman, that's Paul. He's been a salesman since he was six years old, selling airheads out of his backpack for a 50 cent profit. I'm simply, a product of the product. And to me my biggest victory of all was realizing that I am totally worth it. There are lots of systems out there that will help you lose weight, some healthy and some definitely not so healthy. But I think the biggest thing, is to really understand what's your "why" and "why not"?

To me, beach body is a no-brainer because it's all natural and the focus is on whole clean foods. But also your beachbody coaches will help you get healthy from the inside out, and help change your mindset to make this change, truly last forever. So yes, here are my before and after pictures again. I lost 7 lbs, but gained so much more! My WHY'S!!! No fake tan, without any hair-do and make up that I had planned to do, but you can see the confidence inside that is so much more important than a six pack. (Which I'm currently still striving for... Because why... Because I can! )

So......What is your why and why not!?

HERE ARE MY WHY's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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